Volunteers in Schools: A Vital Instructional Service (VIS-A-VIS) was formed in 1981 when drastic cuts were made in school budgets resulting in larger classes and overworked teachers. A broad-based needs assessment conducted by the YMCA at that time indicated that volunteer classroom aides and tutors could help teachers address specific academic programs. Today, VIS-A-VIS volunteers make it possible for children who need additional help to get the extra attention they deserve.
​In 1994, VIS-A-VIS was recognized for its excellence with the CHASI statewide Volunteers of the Year Award and the UIUC Outstanding Student Organization Award.
​In 1999, VIS-A-VIS was honored by the United Way Volunteer Excellence Award.
​Through the years, the program has evolved a great deal to meet the needs of the community and the volunteers, but our mission has remained the same. VIS-A-VIS aims to encourage University of Illinois students to become involved in the broader community in which they live and make a real impact on the future of our young people by contributing to the breadth and depth of their education and to their ability to succeed academically.
​The tremendous time and effort put forth by the VIS-A-VIS staff and volunteers is invaluable to the children of Champaign and Urbana!